What The Heck Are Nightshades?
Reducing Stress May Ease Your Microscopic Colitis Symptoms
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When I diagnosed with microscopic colitis, I had a TON of questions. Honestly, I still do, and I'm still learning about this disease every day. I know I can't answer every possible question here, but...
After being diagnosed with microscopic colitis (MC), my gastroenterologist prescribed the usual drug regimens. Some had zero effect. Others worked while I was taking the medication, but if I stopped,...
We've all heard that stress is bad for us. Chronic stress can lead to high blood pressure, increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, depression...the list goes on and on. But can it also be making...
What The Heck Are Nightshades And Why Would You Want To Avoid Them?
When I was diagnosed with collagenous colitis, one of the first things I researched was diet change to try to get my symptoms under control. As I was looking through advice on what to eat and what to...
Science has not been able to definitively determine what actually causes Microscopic Colitis (MC). They have, however, found certain factors increase a person's risk of developing it. These risk...